#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class vec: """ 基底ベクトル+長さで移動可能な座標を表現する。 筋、段の定義において、数の小さい側をマイナス方向とする。 """ SHORT=1 LONG=9 RIGHT=-1 LEFT=1 UPPER=-1 DOWN=1 def __init__(self,base,length=SHORT): if(not type(base)==tuple): raise Exception, "Vector.__init__: type(base)" if(not len(base)==2): raise Exception, "Vector: __init__(), len(base)" if(base[0]==0 and base[1]==0): raise Exception, "Vector: __init__()" self.direction = base self.length = length def __str__(self, vector=True): if(vector): r=self.direction return "("+self.direction.__str__()+", "+(lambda x: "SHORT" if x==vec.SHORT else "LONG")(self.length)+")" else: pass def eqDirection(self, suji, dan): if(self.direction[0]==suji and self.direction[1]==dan): return True return False @classmethod def UpperLeft(cls, length=SHORT): return vec((vec.LEFT,vec.UPPER),length) @classmethod def Upper(cls,length=SHORT): return vec((0,vec.UPPER),length) @classmethod def UpperRight(cls,length=SHORT): return vec((vec.RIGHT,vec.UPPER),length) @classmethod def Left(cls, length=SHORT): return vec((vec.LEFT,0),length) @classmethod def Right(cls, length=SHORT): return vec((vec.RIGHT,0),length) @classmethod def DownLeft(cls, length=SHORT): return vec((vec.LEFT,vec.DOWN),length) @classmethod def Down(cls, length=SHORT): return vec((0,vec.DOWN), length) @classmethod def DownRight(cls, length=SHORT): return vec((vec.RIGHT,vec.DOWN), length) @classmethod def Ke_Right(cls, length=SHORT): return vec((vec.RIGHT,vec.UPPER*2), vec.SHORT) @classmethod def Ke_Left(cls, length=SHORT): return vec((vec.LEFT, vec.UPPER*2), vec.SHORT) def __iter__(self): for l in range(1,self.length): yield tuple(map(lambda x: x*l, self.direction)) class Piece: def getName(self, en=True): return self.__class__.__name__ def getEffects(self): raise MyException, "abstract method" def getPromote(self): raise MyException, "Not Implements yet" def getUnpromote(self): raise PromoteException, "cannot unpromote "+self.getName() def isPromote(self): return False class Fu(Piece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Fu" if en else "歩" def getEffects(self): return [vec.Upper()] def getPromote(self): return To() class Ky(Piece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Ky" if en else "香" def getEffects(self): return [vec.Upper(length=vec.LONG)] def getPromote(self): return Ny() class Ke(Piece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Ke" if en else "桂" def getEffects(self): return [vec.Ke_Right(), vec.Ke_Left()] def getPromote(self): return Nk() class Gi(Piece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Gi" if en else "銀" def getEffects(self): return [vec.UpperRight(),vec.Upper(),vec.UpperLeft(), vec.DownRight(),vec.DownLeft()] def getPromote(self): return Ng() class Ki(Piece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Ki" if en else "金" def getEffects(self): return [vec.UpperRight(),vec.Upper(),vec.UpperLeft(), vec.Right(),vec.Left(), vec.Down()] def getPromote(self): raise PromoteException, "Ki cannot promote" class Ka(Piece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Ka" if en else "角" def getEffects(self): return [vec.UpperRight(length=vec.LONG), vec.UpperLeft(length=vec.LONG), vec.DownRight(length=vec.LONG), vec.DownLeft(length=vec.LONG)] def getPromote(self): return Um() class Hi(Piece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Hi" if en else "飛" def getEffects(self): return [vec.Upper(length=vec.LONG), vec.Left(length=vec.LONG),vec.Right(length=vec.LONG), vec.Down(length=vec.LONG)] def getPromote(self): return Ry() class Ou(Piece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Ou" if en else "玉" def getEffects(self): return [vec.UpperRight(),vec.Upper(),vec.UpperLeft(), vec.Right(),vec.Left(), vec.DownRight(),vec.Down(),vec.DownLeft()] def getPromote(self): raise PromoteException, "Ou cannot promote" class PromotedPiece(Piece): def isPromote(self): return True def getPromote(self): raise PromoteException, "Already promoted" def getUnpromote(self): raise MyException,"Not implements yet" class To(PromotedPiece): def getName(self,en=True): return "To" if en else "と" def getEffects(self): return Ki().getEffects() def getUnpromote(self): return Fu() class Ny(PromotedPiece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Ny" if en else "杏" def getEffects(self): return Ki().getEffects() def getUnpromote(self): return Ky() class Nk(PromotedPiece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Nk" if en else "圭" def getEffects(self): return Ki().getEffects() def getUnpromote(self): return Ke() class Ng(PromotedPiece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Ng" if en else "全" def getEffects(self): return Ki().getEffects() def getUnpromote(self): return Gi() class Um(PromotedPiece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Um" if en else "馬" def __init__(self): self.org = Ka() def getEffects(self): return [vec.Upper(),vec.Down(),vec.Right(),vec.Left()]+self.org.getEffects() def getUnpromote(self): return self.org class Ry(PromotedPiece): def getName(self,en=True): return "Ry" if en else "龍" def __init__(self): self.org = Hi() def getEffects(self): return [vec.UpperRight(),vec.UpperLeft(),vec.DownRight(),vec.DownLeft()]+self.org.getEffects() def getUnpromote(self): return self.org class MyException(Exception): """ 実装してない場合に投げる例外とか割とデバッグ用途のexceptionクラス """ pass class PromoteException(MyException): pass ############################################## # 衝突判定専用で定義した関数 # OO的にはあんまりよくないので今回の実装のテストコード専用といった位置づけ def tpladd(t1,t2): """ 長さ=2のタプルを要素同士足し算 """ return (t1[0]+t2[0], t1[1]+t2[1]) def isOnBoard(tpl): """ (筋, 段)のタプルを引数にとる """ if( (1<=tpl[0] and tpl[0]<=9) and (1<=tpl[1] and tpl[1]<=9) ): return True return False ############################################## def test(): tests = [Fu(), Ky(), Ke(), Gi(), Ki(), Ka(), Hi(), Ou(), To(), Ny(), Nk(), Ng(), Um(), Ry()] print "\n*************************************" print "[TEST] getName" for p in tests: print p.getName() + " : "+p.getName(en=False) print "\n*************************************" print "[TEST] getPromote" for p in tests: try: print p.getName()+" => "+p.getPromote().getName() + " : "+p.getPromote().getName(en=False) except Exception, e: print "**("+p.getName()+")"+e.__str__() print "\n*************************************" print "[TEST] getUnpromote" for p in tests: try: print p.getName()+" => "+p.getUnpromote().getName()+" : "+p.getUnpromote().getName(en=False) except Exception, e: print "**("+p.getName()+")"+e.__str__() print "\n*************************************" print "[TEST] getEffects" print " ある1方向への利きを\n\t((筋,段), ベクトルの長さ)\nの形式で表示。" print " ※あくまで__str__()で文字列化した時の表現方法。内部表現も限りなく似ているけど。" for p in tests: try: print "\n"+p.getName(en=False)+":" for pe in p.getEffects(): print "\t"+pe.__str__() except Exception,e: print "**("+p.getName()+")"+e.__str__() print "\n*************************************" print "[TEST] getPromote->getEffects" for p in tests: try: print "\n"+p.getPromote().getName(en=False)+":" for pe in p.getPromote().getEffects(): print "\t"+pe.__str__() except Exception,e: print "**("+p.getName()+")"+e.__str__() print "\n*************************************" print "[TEST] getUnpromote->getEffects" for p in tests: try: print "\n"+p.getUnpromote().getName(en=False)+":" for pe in p.getUnpromote().getEffects(): print "\t"+pe.__str__() except Exception,e: print "**("+p.getName()+")"+e.__str__() print "\n*************************************" print "[TEST] 龍の上方向への利きをforで走査してみる" print " 現在この龍は3四にいるとする。" print " 利きを管理するリストから\"上\"を明示して指定する方法がない点は要改善か?" pos = (3,4) # 龍が3四にいるとする for eff in Ry().getEffects(): if(eff.eqDirection(0,vec.UPPER)): for ef in eff: """ vecをイテレータプロトコルに対応させているため、 利きのある1方向に対してはfor文で順番に見ていくことが可能になっている。 forで回せるようになったことで、味方or敵の駒とか、盤外との利きの衝突判定を行うのが楽になる。 """ moved = tpladd(pos, ef) if(not isOnBoard(moved)): print "*"+ef.__str__()+" --- out of board" else: print ef if(__name__=="__main__"): test()
です。まぁ"python イテレータプロトコル"とか、"python __iter__"でググればわかりやすい解説ページが出ますのでここで特に解説はしないことにします。要は、pythonのfor文はinが使えて何かと便利なのですが、自前で作ったクラスでもそういうforの書き方をしてみたい時にイテレータプロトコルの出番だよ、って話です。
************************************* [TEST] getName Fu : 歩 Ky : 香 Ke : 桂 Gi : 銀 Ki : 金 Ka : 角 Hi : 飛 Ou : 玉 To : と Ny : 杏 Nk : 圭 Ng : 全 Um : 馬 Ry : 龍 ************************************* [TEST] getPromote Fu => To : と Ky => Ny : 杏 Ke => Nk : 圭 Gi => Ng : 全 **(Ki)Ki cannot promote Ka => Um : 馬 Hi => Ry : 龍 **(Ou)Ou cannot promote **(To)Already promoted **(Ny)Already promoted **(Nk)Already promoted **(Ng)Already promoted **(Um)Already promoted **(Ry)Already promoted ************************************* [TEST] getUnpromote **(Fu)cannot unpromote Fu **(Ky)cannot unpromote Ky **(Ke)cannot unpromote Ke **(Gi)cannot unpromote Gi **(Ki)cannot unpromote Ki **(Ka)cannot unpromote Ka **(Hi)cannot unpromote Hi **(Ou)cannot unpromote Ou To => Fu : 歩 Ny => Ky : 香 Nk => Ke : 桂 Ng => Gi : 銀 Um => Ka : 角 Ry => Hi : 飛 ************************************* [TEST] getEffects ある1方向への利きを ((筋,段), ベクトルの長さ) の形式で表示。 ※あくまで__str__()で文字列化した時の表現方法。内部表現も限りなく似ているけど。 歩: ((0, -1), SHORT) 香: ((0, -1), LONG) 桂: ((-1, -2), SHORT) ((1, -2), SHORT) 銀: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 1), SHORT) ((1, 1), SHORT) 金: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) 角: ((-1, -1), LONG) ((1, -1), LONG) ((-1, 1), LONG) ((1, 1), LONG) 飛: ((0, -1), LONG) ((1, 0), LONG) ((-1, 0), LONG) ((0, 1), LONG) 玉: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((-1, 1), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) ((1, 1), SHORT) と: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) 杏: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) 圭: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) 全: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) 馬: ((0, -1), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((-1, -1), LONG) ((1, -1), LONG) ((-1, 1), LONG) ((1, 1), LONG) 龍: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 1), SHORT) ((1, 1), SHORT) ((0, -1), LONG) ((1, 0), LONG) ((-1, 0), LONG) ((0, 1), LONG) ************************************* [TEST] getPromote->getEffects と: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) 杏: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) 圭: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) 全: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) **(Ki)Ki cannot promote 馬: ((0, -1), SHORT) ((0, 1), SHORT) ((-1, 0), SHORT) ((1, 0), SHORT) ((-1, -1), LONG) ((1, -1), LONG) ((-1, 1), LONG) ((1, 1), LONG) 龍: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 1), SHORT) ((1, 1), SHORT) ((0, -1), LONG) ((1, 0), LONG) ((-1, 0), LONG) ((0, 1), LONG) **(Ou)Ou cannot promote **(To)Already promoted **(Ny)Already promoted **(Nk)Already promoted **(Ng)Already promoted **(Um)Already promoted **(Ry)Already promoted ************************************* [TEST] getUnpromote->getEffects **(Fu)cannot unpromote Fu **(Ky)cannot unpromote Ky **(Ke)cannot unpromote Ke **(Gi)cannot unpromote Gi **(Ki)cannot unpromote Ki **(Ka)cannot unpromote Ka **(Hi)cannot unpromote Hi **(Ou)cannot unpromote Ou 歩: ((0, -1), SHORT) 香: ((0, -1), LONG) 桂: ((-1, -2), SHORT) ((1, -2), SHORT) 銀: ((-1, -1), SHORT) ((0, -1), SHORT) ((1, -1), SHORT) ((-1, 1), SHORT) ((1, 1), SHORT) 角: ((-1, -1), LONG) ((1, -1), LONG) ((-1, 1), LONG) ((1, 1), LONG) 飛: ((0, -1), LONG) ((1, 0), LONG) ((-1, 0), LONG) ((0, 1), LONG) ************************************* [TEST] 龍の上方向への利きをforで走査してみる 現在この龍は3四にいるとする。 利きを管理するリストから"上"を明示して指定する方法がない点は要改善か? (0, -1) (0, -2) (0, -3) *(0, -4) --- out of board *(0, -5) --- out of board *(0, -6) --- out of board *(0, -7) --- out of board *(0, -8) --- out of board